Heya! Great that you're exploring. Here I'm talking about my super powers, skills, and hobbies.

Out-of-the-Box Thinker

I'm Navid, a Product Designer with a knack for turning challenges into opportunities. My journey through the dynamic world of startups has transformed me into a hands-on design expert. I've used every opportunity to develop my out-of-the-box thinking and master the art of fast, data-driven decision-making. Besides that working under pressure has enabled me to wear different hats as a generalist and become even more flexible and adaptive to different working processes.

Super-Charged Team Player

I'm motivated by uncovering fresh ideas and exploring diverse perspectives; Paired with my visionary creativity and my passion for learning,  this magical combination is my super power in playing a proactive role as a problem-solving team member to guide end-to-end design processes. My aim is to empower the team and elevate the product to new levels of creativity, user-centricity, and uniqueness.

Dynamic and Supportive Communicator

I bring more than just aesthetics. I am the catalyst for positivity, support, and trust. My commitment to seamless communication has marked me as the go-to one for making interactions easy and positive. I find strength in the differences, leveraging varied mindsets to evaluate design decisions. In teams where alignment isn't a given, I embrace the challenge, turning differences into thrust for building intuitive solutions.

Gamer and Collector

When not working, you can find me collecting high-end model cars, growing plants, battling it out on Xbox and Nintendo, and capturing moments on streets. I'm inspired by the details of everything in our world for example a bell pepper :) Cut it and see how it's designed by nature!